
SMBZ Smithy Saga Ep 6

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                                                           Presented by Nintendo, SEGA and Toei Animation

                                                                     Super Mario Bros Z

                                                                        The Smithy Saga

Last time on Super Mario Brothers Z, when our heroes arrived at the cloud kingdom of Nimbus Land, they find it was already taken control of Smithy's forces who were led by one of his commanders, Mack the Knife. While Sonic, Tails and Starlow move on a head to look for the emerald they pinpointed here, Mario and the others fight against the Smithy troops and Mack who had gotten a lot stronger thanks to his new designed body and Chaos Emerald Smithy imbedded in his head. When Mack had Mario and the others beaten to the ground thanks to his new power source, he was about to slice Mario for mincemeat until he was interfered by Sonic who had come back in time to help along with Mario's old friend, Mallow. After giving the plumber a Rock Mushroom for a plan to put Mack out, our heroes ended victorious and claimed the next emerald. Now with Mallow who had decided to join them on their quest, where will our heroes go looking for the next emerald? Find out today on Super Mario Brothers Z.

                                                                    Episode 6: Worrier of the Woods.

                                                                        *Forest Maze, 3 days ago*

Somewhere in a vast forest full of tall tree trunks, tall red powdered mushrooms and many other plants, a young Toad with a white and purple line crossing mushroom cap was walking in the forest with his mother who had white and yellow line crossing mushroom cap with two twisted heir tails coming down as both were carrying baskets on their backs. The young Toad was also wearing a dark blue sleeveless shirt, white trousers and back shoes while his mother was wearing a red hood coat, white trousers and brown shoes while her child was also carrying a wooden doll with a blue cape and hat, orange heir curls on the fore head, eyes with red dots and brown shoes.

"Nice day huh, Mom?" The young Toad asks while berthing in some fresh air.

"Why it certainly is Gaz, and a nice day for apple picking to make more drinks for our Inn for customers!" The Mother said who was feeling joyful on a nice day with the sun shining through the forest trees.

"After we rest from picking, can me and Geno play for a bit?" Gaz asks politely as he holds out his doll to his mother while they were still walking.

"That's fine honey, as long as you don't go off and play too far." The Mothers suggested as she felt worried for her son's safety.

"Don't worry Mom I won't." Gaz said as he promises to not run off far with a trusting smile.

"Oh look here we are!" The Mother said as she and her son stop and find themselves in a clearing part of the forest with a few apple trees with red apples hanging on the branches. "Shall we start picking Gaz?" She asks as she looks at her son.

"Uh-huh!" Gaz said as they walk over to the trees.

Not very far from them, was a tiny glowing yellow star hovering behind the bushes as it watches the two Toads pick away a few apples on the ground. Strangely, it only kept its eyes on the doll as only a few minutes past as Gaz begins to play with the doll.
"Look out world; I'm Geno the greatest warrior of the forest!" Gaz said as he plays around with doll by making it look like a flying super hero. "As the defender of peace and happiness, I will stop every bad guy in the world and will show no mercy to unforgiving souls, because THEY-ARE-HISTORY!!!" He said as he falls to the grassy ground on his back and laughs as the doll was right next to him. "One day… I hope to become a hero like you Geno! Maybe even better then Mario!" He said as he looks up at the sky in the surrounding forest.

"AHHHH!!!" A voice cries as this was coming from Gaz's mother as he gets up and rushes over to where she is, but left his doll lying around.

"Mom what's the matter?" Gaz said in a fearful expression as he rushes over to where his mother was and finds her lying on the ground unconscious and paralyzed with an arrow-like object pined onto her back as this shocks the young Toad. "Mom wake up, come on. MOM!" He shouts as he tries to get her to wake up, but no response as she jest laid there paralyzed.

Suddenly, the arrow that was on the mother toad's back budges and pops out as it show's itself with a boogie looking face with eyes circling around, a mouth of three sharp arrow like teeth, a pointed arrow-like nose and a yellow bamboo stick body with red fathers at the end like a tail. Just then, a whole bunch more come in from above and surround as they were about to attack him. Meanwhile, the star like being notices that the boy was in trouble and turns back to facing the doll left behind as it bursts out of the bushes and quickly hovers its way to the doll just as it then fuses into it. Suddenly, one of the arrow monsters was about to leap at Gaz with its sharp pointed head, but then a being in the shadows steps in the way just as everything goes black.

                                                                    *Present Day, High in the skies*

Up high in the sunny day skies over a field of hills and green grass, Mario was riding besides Mallow on a small moving puffy cloud while Luigi, Sonic, Shadow, Yoshi and Starlow ride the Sky Pop with Tails piloting it while the young fox looks up on the emerald radar for the next emeralds location.

"We should be able find the next emerald soon I hope." Tails said feeling a little sure on their hunt.

"If one of Smithy's guys has the next one, who knows how powerful this one will be next!" Sonic thinks as he goes back to the part of how Boomer and Mack used the emeralds' powers to get even stronger as a demi god. "I just hope we can pull this off now that we have two emeralds" He said as takes out the blue and yellow Chaos Emeralds to look at them clearly.

"Man, now that what you and Bro meant about Boomer's power change just like what we saw what happened to Mack yesterday, I beginning to think we should just go for the emeralds and just leave Smithy and his pals be!" Luigi suggested as he begun to feel fear of what he bean through after the battle with Mack's terrifying power from yesterday after beating him.

"Heh! You shouldn't let your foes take pity on you loser." Shadow said as he begun to act mean towards Luigi's fear.

"Hay, I never said I wanted to get out of here and leave you guys!" Luigi said who felt upset of Shadow's harsh words.

"Yes, but just tacking the emeralds from them won't be easy, the only way to make it less easy is to fight them first, knock them out, take the emerald then and destroy them while we still have a chance!" Shadow said back as he then had everyone knew he was right.

"Talk about hasty straggly, but I think he's right on that part." Yoshi said as he regretfully knew Shadow was right about one thing.

"Hay Mallow," Mario asks as Mallow looks back at him. "Are you sure you wanted to come with us on this quest?"

"If Smithy's back, then I must put a stop to him after when Mack tried to invade my home." Mallow said who looked determined on stopping Smithy once more. "Besides, my mother and papa don't mind a little now that I left them for the mean time and have Sonic's friends watch over the place."

"You think it was wise to leave the Knuckles and Cream to watch over things?" Tails whispers to Sonic who looked unsure if it was alright.

"Hehe… Knowing Knuckles, I say he a bit aggressive for not seeing more action to where ever we go!" Sonic nervously chuckles about the fact of leaving the Nimbus people in Knuckles's care.

                                                                          *Nimbus Town*

"A-cho!" Knuckles sneezes as he rubs his nose. "Why do I have to stay here and watch over these people while they suddenly fly off to have more fun pounding those metal mutants just like I wanted?" He asks himself feeling angry why he was left here to watch over the people of this town.

"Because with their prince gone, the people here can't defend for themselves even with the King and Queen still at their side." Cream said while she and Cheese sat down reading a book. "Besides, they need a strong guardian like you to keep watch of danger."

"But I'm guardian of my own island, not some cloud on top of a beanstalk." Knuckles said still feeling disappointed by the fact Sonic and the others left the town in their care.

                                                                      *Back with Mario and Friends*

"Hay guys' the radar has picked up something on scope!" Tails said as everyone gathers closer to see what he found. "It must be the next emerald."

"Hay, look over there!" Yoshi calls as he points to something in the distance as everyone looks in his direction.

A couple of yards away from them was a small town very close the edge of a wide open forest of pine trees all over.

"I bet that's-a-where we will find the next emerald." Luigi said having a hunch that this was the next location.

"I see a place to land. Hang on!" Tails said he tacks the Sky Pop down to land while Mario and Mallow follow them on their magic cloud.

"Dose this town and that forest look familiar to you, Mario?" Mallow asks after look at the town and forest close to them.

"Now that you mention it, it feels as though we been here before, but can't remember clearly when." Mario said as he thought about it just as he and the others where nearly ready to land on solid ground.


As everybody leaves the plane in a pile of bushes out of site, they then began to walk alongside on the path that leads to the town ahead by going right, down and right. Along the way, there was a food stand with a white apron wearing Shy Guy serving out any food to give such as Ham Burgers, Hot Dogs and Raps. Everyone walks by not feeling interest in food right now except for Luigi who stops and decides get something to eat. As the others reach the town, Mario finds that Luigi was missing from the group as he looks around everywhere before looking behind to find him a few yards away ordering food. Just as Luigi begun eating down on the Ham Burger he ordered, Mario comes back running fast to him and grabs him as he takes off at high speed back to the town as this made Luigi drop what was remaining of his snack.

                                                                            *Rose Town*

As the group arrives, the town was full of house that where white with red tile brick roofs, and a wooden sign in the shape of a flower that said welcome. Most of the residences were Toads with striped mushroom caps that look like targets marks all in different colours.

"Ah, I know this place now!" Mario said as if something triggered his memory after having a good look at the town itself.

"You do?" Sonic asks.

"This is Rose Town!" Mallow said who also remembers this place. "This town is not too far from the Tadpole Pond where I was raised by my foster grandfather and very close to the forest where you can see strait ahead of you!" He said as he points out to the woods ahead.

"You think the radar may had been locking on to the forest then instead of this town?" Shadow asks as he gave it another that the Emerald Radar may have been pointing to the forest and not the town.

"There's no mistake, the next emerald is in that forest somewhere." Tails said after getting a good look at the radar again to find it was pointing to the forest ahead of them.

"Okay, let's move on ahead in and… Huh!?" Sonic said as he and the others were about to walk in, but stopped to find that a group of Toads with torches and pinch forks where coming out of the woods with an injured one they were carrying with an arrow on it mushroom cap.

"Clear the way, we got injury coming through!" The leading Toad said as the villagers back away to make a clear path.

"What do think happened to that guy?" Starlow asks looking a lot concern.

"Let's follow them and see if we can find out!" Luigi suggested as everybody follows them.

'Something about that arrow stuck to that guy's head looks awfully familiar…' Mario thought as he continues to follow the pack of Toads carrying the injured one.

Minutes later inside a care home, lots of Toads with the same looking arrows stuck on to them where very paralyzed that they can barely move while lying in beds frozen like statues. As Mario and his friends look around at all the Toads, they were shocked and concern of what was going on.

"Look at them all!" Mallow said in shock of worry.

"Who could of done this to them?" Yoshi asks looking very dread.

"This has been happening for three days now!" An elderly Toad doctor said who was trying to help a patent in bed. He had a white beard and green target mark pattern mushroom cap and was wearing a white robe.

"Excuse us, but do you know what's going on here and why all these people have arrows on them?" Tails asks as he and the others walk up to the doctor.

"No we don't, for all we know is that someone has been ambushing many of our people who had went into the forest and never came back out again in a long time." The doctor explains as he tells more. "When we went in to look for most of the missing villagers, we find them with this strange looking arrows stuck tight onto them, they can't move an inch. We sent out most of our men to find the attacker, but no luck as some came back with arrows already on them. It's strange though, like this has happened before with our village, but can't remember when."

"Do you all think one of Smithy's commanders might be on to this?" Starlow asks the others as they thought for a few seconds.

"It must be. No one else but the Smithy Gang uses weapons like this!" Mario said feeling as though he was on the right track.

"Tell us, did any of the victims say they saw someone who ambushed them?" Sonic asks as the doctor begins to answer.

"No, the only thing the saw was the arrows themselves." The doctor said for not having good information on what every victim saw before getting attacked. "Although, when our search party was escaping from their 2nd attempt in the woods while running away from the arrows, they say they saw a strange figure that fought off the arrows to help our men escape while they can."

"So someone else is in the woods helping you folks?" Luigi asks.

"Yes, he told the men not to go back into the forest, but they still went in to try and find more of the victims who are also missing from the town, even our inn keeper's child is lost out their somewhere." The doctor said who begun to feel worry for the missing's safety.

"You should tell your fellow mushroom pals to back down on this one and let us take care of this crisis." Shadow suggested.

"You mean you kids are willing to help us make the forest safe again?" The doctor said who had begun to change spirit in himself.

"Of course, just leave it to us all to deal with the attacker in the woods." Starlow said with kind offer.

"Oh thank you people, we will be in your doubt for your rescues of our missing!" The doctor said who had finally cheered up.

"Well you guys, let's get prepared and head into the woods!" Sonic suggested as everyone agrees.

"Okeydokey!" Mario said giving a thumbs up.

"Oh Yeah!" Luigi said who was happy to help out.

"Before you all go, I also remembered two other groups going into the woods yesterday." The doctor explains as he tells Mario and the others more. "The first one was a group of apes who had come by saying that they are looking for essence of Buzzer Bee Honey in the woods to make formula of some sort. The other group were detectives who are looking for friends of theirs. We told them about the danger lurking in the woods before they went in, but haven't come back out after yesterday."

"If we run into them and the missing villages, we'll make sure we get them back home in one piece!" Mario said with promising words while looking back at the doctor.

"Good luck my friends!" The doctor said as Mario and his group leave the house to get ready for their venture in the woods.

After the group was back outside while Mario and Yoshi went off to a shop to pick up some items, everyone else looks at the radar again and to find it was still in the woods ahead of them.

"It looks like maybe whoever is attack the villages with these arrows, must also be guarding the Chaos Emerald deep in this forest!" Tails said as he had a hunch that the one behind the attacks is in the woods with the emerald.

"What do think our plan is to get it without being paralyzed like those guys in the hospital?" Mallow asks seeing it might be difficult to wondering in without getting hit.

"I guess we'll just have to be on guard!" Sonic said since this was the only straggly to think of.

"Hay, sorry for the wait, but we needed a few defensives once we go in." Mario said who was coming back along with Luigi who was carrying a sack of Power-Up items.

"That's fine by us!" Sonic said who didn't mind the wait. "Well then, let's get moving!" He said as everyone begins to walk their way into the woods ahead of them.

                                                                          *Forest Maze*

After Mario and his group enter the forest where less light was coming from above the trees, Tails keeps his look on the radar to show where the next emerald was leading to.

"I got say, this forest is so amazing!" Sonic said who was looking by his side at all the tall tree trunks and mushrooms all around them. "Speaking of amazing, which I mean by maze, is it easy to get loos in these woods?" He asks looking at Mario.

"It defiantly can be very easy to get lost in this forest if you don't follow the right path." Mario said to Sonic as this also reminded the plumber of when he and Mallow looked their way past the forest maze.

"Let's just hope we don't get lost or else we might never get out of here and become frozen by those arrows that might pop out from anywhere." Luigi said who begun to feel a little fearful of whatever might happen.

As the group kept on walking in the same direction, Starlow suddenly stopped as if she felt something while looking what's around her.

"What's the matter Starlow?" Yoshi asks who stopped and notice something was up with Starlow just as the others also took notice.

"It's faint, but I thought I can sense a Star Spirit presence nearby!" Starlow said while still looking around the forest.

"A Star Spirit's presence in this forest, how can that be?" Mario asked feeling confuse as to why a Star Spirit was here in the Forest Maze.

"Wait, didn't the Star Spirits say when the last time Boomer attacked the shrine, another star being besides Twink was sent by them to call for help?" Luigi said as he remembered what the Star Sprits told them back at Star Heaven.

"Maybe he might be here somewhere in this forest right now!" Mallow said who had a belief that the other Star Being is still alive somewhere in the woods.

"Then let's keep moving and see if we can find this Star Being then. We might encounter him the same time we might find the emerald." Mario suggested as they all kept moving on.

Not far from them up hiding in the trees, three eyes were watching the group while hidden in a branch until they then decided to keep following them as they kept themselves hidden in the shadows.

A few moments later, the group arrive at a wide open area in the forest with many trees of apples. Around each corner were routes that lead in different direction as the group stops and check their radar to find where their main destination was at.

"So which way is it we go now, Tails?" Sonic asks his buddy as the young fox looks up on the tracker.

"Not sure, but one of the routes in front of us might lead us further deep." Tails said seeing two of the fore routes leading ahead.

"What do think which road is best to take?" Mario asks very concern.

"Not sure…" Tails said as he rubs his chin.

"Hmm!" Shadow hummed as he looked around himself as if he heard something.

"What's up, Mr Shadow?" Mellow asks after hearing him.

"There's something not right about this place. I don't like it one bit…" Shadow said looking concern as he felt something was wrong.

"What do mean?" Luigi asks looking confused.

Suddenly, a bee-like creature swops in at the group, but miss as the they duck and cover, suddenly, other inheritance of the forest begun to appear out of nowhere and surround the group all looking angry. The first creatures where packs of yellow caterpillars with orange spots with brown outlining on each side of their body, red shoes, big brown noses, black doted eyes and a flower on top of their heads. The next pack of creatures where red living mobile funguses with arms and white gloves. The 3rd pack of creatures where red octopus like monsters that were hanging on to two Koopa shells with bat-like wings. The last ones where gorillas with shackles and chains. Surprisingly, all the creatures seem to have an arrow stuck to their body that looked like the ones that attacked the Toads of Rose Town, but where red and had whacky eyes.

"Wh… Why are these creatures looking so mad at us?" Tails said looking scared of the animals' angry eyes.

"I guess we must have stepped in to their territory." Yoshi said as he thinks they might be in the animals' resting site.

"No wait those arrows on them. Can you see?" Shadow said as he and everyone got a good look at the animals and notices the red arrows on their backs.

"Those are same things that attacked the villages!" Mallow said in surprising shock.

"How come the animals are not frozen like them?" Luigi asks looking confused in fear.

"They must be different from the ones we've seen already!" Sonic said as he notice that they were a lot different from the ones he and the others saw on the Toads back in Rose Town.

"Got any idea?" Mario asks looking back at everyone.

"I have one!" Shadow said he then takes off at full speed. "ATTACK!"



As Shadow speeds in, he attacks an Octolot by upper kicking it and dashes right past it by making it spin around in mid-air. He then attacks again with a kick that slams it to the ground and then goes into a close-combat by punching and kicking it again before giving a hard fist that send it flaying back into the other packs of creatures that knocked them all out. The other animals begun to attack as they charge at the group which cause them to split apart from each other. Mario then begins to attack as he punches out a few Wigglers and jumps over one as he grabs its back legs and spins around like a tornado really fast as he knocks away the other animals by slamming the Wiggler into them before letting it goes as it flies into a tree and is knocked out. Then, a red Angry Wiggler standing up right begins to attack Mario as it uses its punch attacks to lay a hit, but was blocked as Mario also attacks with Punches and kicks. It then was about to tackle into Mario, but he jumps out of the way by flipping over on top of the Wiggler and ground pounding on one of its body parts which changed back into its yellow colour. Meanwhile, Luigi was avoided the poison powder and tackle attacks from the Amanitas by jumping as high as he can. He was then close behind one and kicks it away as it knocks into another one. He then jumps back away from almost being hit by a Buzzer Bee that was about to land its stinger on him, but is now stuck to the ground as it tries to budge. Luigi then goes into an all-out attack on the animals by uses his punches, kicks, Cyclone and Dash attack on a few Buzzer Bees and Amanitas right before finishing off one more Buzzer with a Super Jump Punch. Meanwhile, Sonic and Shadow where handling the creatures in the air as they jump all over on the Buzzer Bees and Octolot which also made them attack each over by firing or charging in. Sonic then jumps up high and attacks the incoming Buzzers with kicks, tackles, homing attacks and his mighty Hurricane Kick on an Octolot before upper kicking it away high into the air out of the woods. Shadow also attack the flying animals with his dash attack by blazing past them which deal massive damage and then uses his Chaos Spear attack on two Buzzers and three Octolots that where coming in from all directions. Meamwhile, Yoshi goes into all kinds of melee attacks on Wigglers and Guerillas that where coming at him. Just then, he was knock back by a Guerilla just as it was about to attack him again, until Mallow came in with a tackle attack that knocked the chained ape to the ground. He then takes out his pear of Sonic Cymbals and uses them on the foes coming at him by bashing them together to make loud waves of nose that dazed the animals before using them to attack like blades while slashing the Wigglers and Guerillas nearby before pushing them away with the sound waves. He then uses his Cymbals by throwing them into the air at the flying foes like Astor Discs by knocking them down before coming back to him as he catches them. Back with Mario, he was holding his grip tight on a Guerilla's while holding his ground. Suddenly, an Amanita charge into Mario's back which made him lose his ground as the Guerilla pins them to the ground while holding his arms in place.

"Mario!" Luigi said in panic as he notices his brother was in trouble, but lost his guard as he was knocked away by an Octolot's fire attack.

The others begun to lose sweet as Sonic was having a tough time holding of the other foes while holding back a Buzzer Bee's stinger with his hands grabbing hold of it, Yoshi who was body slammed by a Wiggler's body, Mallow who was trying to get back to the others as he shields himself with his Cymbals from the Buzzers' stingers, and Shadow who was trying to rid away most of the foes in his path. The Guerilla was about to with a hard punch fist while holding the plumber in place, until something happened as Mario opens his eyes and notice someone had saved him from a punch. It was an ape that looked almost like the Guerillas, but had no chains and was wearing a red tie with a word symbol that said D.K.

"Whoa, Donkey Kong!" Mario said in surprising as he was glad to see his old friend and rival.

"Hay Mario, need a hand?" Donkey Kong asks as he then with his super strength lifts the Guerilla over his head and throws it away into a tree which knocks it out.

Just then, Sonic and Yoshi arrive to help, but where blocked by more Buzzer Bees and Octolots as they were about to attack the two. Suddenly, lots of peanuts came flying in as they knock out the animals quickly just as two other savers came into the scene. The first was a boy chimpanzee with a loon tail, a red t-shirt with yellow stars and a red hat with the Nintendo logo on the fore head. The other was a girl chimpanzee with blond hear under a pink beret hat with ponytail sticking out at the back and was wearing pick knee pads and a pink shirt.

"Diddy! Dixie!" Yoshi said with shock.

"Hay guys, long time no hi!" Diddy said looking back at Yoshi.

"Let's take these forest dwellers out, shall we?" Dixie asks as she gets prepared for battle.

"Let's go!" Diddy said as he and Dixie charge forward at the animals.

The two young Kongs go head to head combat at the creatures with their tail whips, punches and karate kicks. Dixie was about to get slammed by two Wigglers coming at her from each side, but jumps and spins as she attacks them both with her Pony Tail Sweep which knocks them both away. Just then, a pack of Amanitas where coming in at her, but she had another trump card up her act as she takes out a blue rock music guitar and then plays it as loud pink sound waves begun to daze the foes in their tracks as this also knocks them away. Meanwhile, Diddy was taking care of the flying creatures while using his Rocketbarrel on his back to hover as well as shooting the foes down with his Peanut Popguns by firing peanuts from them. He then shuts off his jet pack and begins to jump over the Buzzers and Octolots by making them chasse him and ramming them into each other as he avoids getting hit. He then lands back on the ground and begins to attack most of the land animals with his forward Summersaults, Peanut Popguns and his Monkey Flip attack by leaping forward towards onto an Octolot to latches onto it and begins attacking by pummelling it with his fists. Meanwhile, DK was doing a forward roll attack into a few Amanitas which knocked them away just before coming out of his roll to lump and hammer punches a Guerilla by slamming both his fits down on its head which knocks it out. More Guerillas begun to show up as DK then attacks them with his hard stone punches and uppercuts as well as his Head-butt and Spinning Kong attacks which knocks the shackle apes out. After that he then jumps and punches away at a few Buzzers coming at him from each side as he takes out the last two with an up kick and down kick which sends them away. Just then, a lot more of the animals where charging their way towards everyone as Donkey Kong took notice and decided to finish things off as he jumps in the air again, but this time very high.

"Quick, everyone clear the area!" Diddy said in distress as he knew what DK was going to do.

"Let's get up high into the trees!" Dixie suggested as everyone does what she says and jumps into them to hide.

While up high above the forest, DK holds back his arms over his head and holds his fists together as he then comes crushing back down fast like an asteroid about to hit the earth with powerful force as he was covered in blazing flames and was getting closer to the grounds as he then slams as a big explosion of shock waves covers the area all around in a big flash of light.


After the explosion disappeared, the area had many fallen trees and cracks in the ground as all of the animals the group battled were all knocked out and unconscious as well as the red wacky looking arrows that were sucked onto them came off and were lying still not moving an inch. After it was clear Mario and the others came from out of the tree that had just fallen thanks to DK's last attack as they walk over to the heroic Kong just as Diddy and Dixie came out of hiding as well.

"Nice going there DK! Just remember to warn us next time you use that attack." Diddy said to Donkey Kong by telling him for a good job, but to also be careful.

"Sorry, I just can't help myself when we're in tight spots!" DK said as he rubs the back of his head.

"I'm quite surprise to see that you guys are here too!" Sonic said after being surprised of DK and his gang showing up.

"We can say the same thing as well by seeing you again, Sonic!" DK said who was happy to see the heroic hedgehog back in the Mushroom Kingdom.

"What are you Kongs doing here away?" Mario asks looking confused as to why Donkey Kong and his team are here.

"Well you see, Cranky send us here for some errands to find Buzzer Honey so he can make a new potion project he's working." Diddy explains as he and the other Kongs tell more.

"By the time we got what we needed, these strange looking arrows came down from above and tried to hit us. After that, we notice that some of the animals in these woods begun to attack us for no reason." Dixie said telling the rest that has happened.

"It all because those thing that were sucked to their bodies!" DK explains as he walks over and picks up one of the red arrows which did not make any reaction at all. "Not sure what they are, but I can tell you these things must have what made the animals attack us and you guys!"

"So in other words, those things or maybe someone must have brainwashed the animals and got them to attack us." Yoshi said as he guessed it.

"Hay guys!" A voice call who turns out to be Starlow as she and Tails come running up to Mario and the others.

"There you are, we've been trying to find you after those creatures split us apart." Tails said as he places his hand on his knees and huffs and puffs before looking up at the others. "Whoa, DK is that you?" Tails asks who was shocked to see Donkey Kong and his group.

"Nice to see ya again, Taily!" DK said who was happy to see Tails as he gives him a short wave.

"So you must be Donkey, Diddy and Dixie Kong; the heroes of Kong Island. I'm Starlow the young Star Kid of the 7 Star Spirits to make you acquaintances." Starlow said as she introduces herself to the Kongs.

"Wait; did anyone see where Luigi and the others went?" Yoshi asks as everyone notices that Luigi, Shadow and Mellow were nowhere in sight.

"Luigi?" Mario calls as he looks around, but could not see his brother or the others anywhere. "LUIGIIIIII…" He calls again loudly, but no answer.

"I wonder where they are?" Diddy asks wondering what has happened to the others.

"Maybe they didn't know about my attack as it might of blown them off somewhere in another part of this forest." DK said feeling regretful for the shocking attack he used earlier.

"We better go find them right away!" Starlow suggested as she knew sitting around all day won't help.

"Right!" Sonic said agreeing with her idea as he and the others prepare to look for Luigi, Shadow and Mellow.

                                                                        *Bramble Swamp*

Somewhere in another part of the forest, Luigi and Mellow find themselves in a marshy swamp where their small bubbling water puddles and lots of old trees all covered in bramble weeds wrapped around.

"Ahh… Ohh… Where are we?" Luigi asks as he and Mellow begun to wake up and find themselves in another area.

"I don't know… We remember battling those animals, but then suddenly this blowing windy wave came in at us." Mellow said as he remembers a little of what happened.

"Let's say that we're lucky that we're still alive." Shadow said who was standing over the edge of an old tree just before turning around and walks back to the two.

"So what now? Should we find my bro and the others?" Luigi asks seeing that the three must regroup with the others.

"You two can do that, but I'm going off to find out what exactly is going on in this forest." Shadow said as he begins to walk off on his own.

"Wait, don't you think we should stay together?" Mellow asks just as Shadow stops.

"I don't have time for that! I need to do something right here and now." Shadow said with his cold sounding voice.

"But…" Mellow said.

"I said you two do that Kid, now leave me be!" Shadow said as he begun to act strict towards Mellow's suggestion.

Suddenly, Mellow begun to shed tiny tears in his eye as he holds in his breath with his checks puffed up. Until, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Whaaaaaa-whahahahahahaaaaa. You're so mean; you like to abandon a little kid like me?" He screams out as he continues to cry.

"Nice going there, black hog!" Luigi said not feeling very pleased of Shadow's rash attitude.

"That's it! If you don't stop that whining right now, I'll force you to stop!" Shadow said who begun to get angry and annoyed by Mellow's baby crying as he holds out his hand above his head as a light of energy was being made which did not look to pleasant.

"What do you-a-think you're doing?" Luigi asks looking mad at Shadow.

"If this kid won't be quiet, then I'll shut him up." Shadow said while he was charging up his blast in his hand.

"Grrrrrrrr… I know I can cower a lot, but not when someone is about to hurt someone!" Luigi shouts as he steps in front of Shadow while defending Mellow.

Suddenly, a loud bang was head as something was coming towards the three. The thing heading for them was a strange ball of energy with three spikes poking out while a face was shown to have a smile and two black dotted eyes. As they took notice, Luigi grabs Mellow who was still crying as he and Shadow jump out of the way of the blast as it stops to where they once were and explodes.

"Who was that?" Shadow asks looking back to where the blast hit.

As the smock clears, a strange figure with a wooden body and blue cloths makes himself known. "You there, black one!" The figure spoke as he points towards Shadow.

"You talking to me?" Shadow asks in a cold and tense way as he steers at the figure.

"You came causing trouble in these woods and messing with the life that lives here. I will make sure you won't hurt anyone else!" The figure said in a aggressive speech as he crosses his arms and continues to steer at Shadow.

"Oh boy, who can this guy be?" Luigi asks in fear as he takes a few steps back.

'Geno…' Mellow said in his head as he remembers him from before.

"My name is Geno and I'm here to put a stop to you black one!" Geno said who was still made at Shadow about something.

'Hmm… Maybe he must be behind the arrow attacks.' Shadow thought in his head before getting back to more important things. "Hmph! If you think your anger is gonna keep us out of this woods, then think again!" He said as he dashes forward towards Geno.

"No Mr Shadow, wait stop!" Mellow called, but did not work as Shadow speeds off.

"Very well, you leave me no choice!" Geno said as he then get prepared for a fight as he turns his left arm into a small pistol.



The battle starts as Geno fires multiple little black balls at Shadow, but the black hedgehog easily avoids them as he speeds his way before jumping and coming in with an aerial kick. Geno manages to block the attack as both are push a little away from each other. They both then go into a close-combat at each other with punches and kicks. Shadow manages to lay a punch in Geno's face and then right at his chest which sends him flying back. Geno then regains himself as he stops and levitates in the air as then flies his way back at Shadow just as he gets close and tries to punch him out, but kept missing as Shadow jumps away backwards. He then takes his turn of flying by using the hover shoes to levitate in the air just as he and Geno brawl it out all over as massive waves collide in the air and shows how fast the two are going. The two then go head to head again in a close-combat even faster just before they break away as Shadow charges up his Chaos Spear attack while Geno begins to charge up an attack of his own as he transforms into a blue canon. They both fire their attack as both of them collide and explode which makes a cloud of smock everywhere around them just before they go back into more fast speed fighting.

"Wow, both are fast and their speed is incredible!" Luigi said as he couldn't help but steer at them in their movements.

"We got to stop them, Geno is the guy who help me and Mario defeated Smithy a long time ago." Mellow said by explaining to Luigi why he wants all this to stop and listen.

"He WHAT!? Why didn't you say so earlier?" Luigi asks as he panics while waving his arms up and down.

"I guess Mr Shadow doesn't listen to kid." Mellow said as he gives a sigh from what he went through with Shadow's aggressiveness.

                                                                         *Unknown Area*

Meanwhile in another area on top of a tall half cut tree stomp, someone was watching where Shadow's and Geno's duel was taking place.

"Master, It seems that Mario and his friends are in the forest and had taken out most our new solders in one blast from one of them." One of the arrows like creatures informed as he hops his way towards the leader.

"Hehehehehehe! He may have taken care of some of our Mineroes, but wait until he fells my power of vengeance." The leader said as he steps out of his shadow and reviles himself. His body was made of metal as his hands and feet resemble that of a beastly animal with claws. His body was a thing bent poll with string coming down while his chest was wide out as it shows a green gemstone imbedded in it. Last of all, his head and face looked more of a crazy looking guy with pink lips with small teeth showing, and arrow nose, green eyebrows and red tall spiky hear sticking out above. "Tell the men to be prepared for operation shower. We will see how clever they and those foolish villages will stand it!"

"As you wish, Master Bowyer." The Aero said as he hops off the tree stop all the way back down to the forest.

"Thins do seem to be getting underway as the evil Bowyer returns after his upgrade from Smithy. What will our heroes do about this crisis? Can Mario and the other's including the Kongs find Bowyer and stop him? And want about Shadow and Geno who have gone at each other as Luigi and Mellow watch helplessly? Stay for the next exciting episode of 'Super Mario Brothers Z!'

                                                                      See Ya Next Time!
Well here it is, the 6th episode of the SMBZ Smithy Saga. In this arive the next main character Geno. As you all know, this episode and the next one will be a little based on the 2nd Chapter of Super Mario RPG which is to do with the events such as the Aeroes paralizing the Toads of Rose Town, Geno getting his body and Bowyer who is the villian in this act with a new upgrade body and Chaos Emerald insted of a Star Piece.


Minroes: A fan made sub-spicice of Aeroes that are in red and have more of a crary looking face then the origanal ones. Unlike them they don't paralizes their victoms, but use them as a body to control as well as the mind.

Bramble Swamp: A made up location somewhere in the forest maze.


Mario: M&L SSS Style
Luigi: M&L SSS Style
Sonic: S Adv 1 2 3 and SB Style
Shadow: S Adv 1 2 3 and SB Style
Yoshi: YIDS Style
Mellow: M&L SSS Style
Geno: M&L SSS Style
Tails: S Adv 1 2 3 and SB Style
Starlow: M&L BiS Style
Knuckles: S Adv 1 2 3 and SB Style
Cream and Cheese: S Adv 1 2 3 and SB Style
Donky Kong: DK KoS or M&L SSS Style
Diddy Kong: DK KoS or M&L SSS Style
Dixie Kong: DK KoS or M&L SSS Style
Gaz: Custom made found at MFGG
Rose Town Toads: Might not be any around.
Wiggler: PM or M&L BiS Style (You decide on that)
Amanita: Custom made found at MFGG
Octolot: No sprites
Guerilla: No sprites
Buzzer: Might find at MFGG
Aeroes and Minroes: SMRPG Style
Bowyer: Megaman X Style made by :icondiegouh: diegouh.

BG Music
LoZ TP-Illa's theme: Plays during when Gaz and his mother go apple picking. [link]
Star Fox Assault-Break through the ice field: When the Aeroes attack Gaz and his mother. [link]
Super Mario 64-Main Theme (Remix by Tombor911): Plays when the heroes are up in the plain flying to their next location. [link]
Super Mario RPG-Nimbus Land: Plays the short scene of Knuckle and Cream still in Nimbus Land. [link]
Super Mario World-Donut Plains: Map theme. [link]
Super Mario RPG-Rose Town: Plays when the heroes arrive at Rose Town and learn what was going on. [link]
Super Mario RPG-Forest Maze (Cave Remix): When the heroes suarch the forest. [link]
Paper Mario-Raphael the Raven A: When the mind control animals of Forest Maze show up and soround the heroes before battle.
Monster Hunter-Jungle Battle: The battle between the Heroes and animals. [link]
SSBB-Jungle Level Ver.2: When Donkey and his group show to help. [link]
Donkey Kong Country Returns-Map (Jungle): When half of Mario's team and DK's regroup after the battle. [link]
Bayou Sounds: The theme of Bramble Swamp where Luigi and Mellow wake up. [link]
DBZ-Supreime Kai Theme: When Geno shows up and mistakes Shadow as an eneimy before they battle and again at 3:26 as the battle wages over the swamp. [link]
Tenchi Muyo-Sasami's Dark Dream: When an Aero Troop informs Bowyer of Mario's presents nearby in the forest. [link]
Super Mario RPG-Geno Woods: (BobbleHeadInspiration Remix) Episode 6 cerdits. [link]

Wellep that all.
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