
Paper Mario Fairy Tales: Paralogue Part 1

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Aham… Aham… The Book of Fairy Tales… Story 8… Once upon a time, in a kingdom ruled by a king who lived and horned to protect his people went into war with his fellow shoulders that fought against an evil that infected the land with monsters. In one final blow, the king battle the evil and was finally able to destroy it for good, but… with the loss of all his men who gave their lives to protect the kingdom had the king feeling gilt that he could not live to face the families they had. Before he could leave though, a light had shine down near the exhausted king who moves into and finds two baby girls raped in cloth together and with faces and eyes of beauty. The king took them in and raised them as his own daughters, making them twin princesses of the kingdom. Years pass and the young girls had grown more beautiful together and were very close to each other with love that seemed everlasting, until one day… a prince from another kingdom was seeking out for a beautiful maiden as he came to the castle and meets with this kingdom’s king who both agree to have their nations unite as one by arranging a wedding ceremony for one of the princesses as the prince soon made his choice with one girl while leaving the other. As weeks pass, the princess and the prince were soon diving into deep love, until disturbing news soon came to her that her twin sister had mysteriously disappeared as the kingdom went in search for their missing princess just as monsters then suddenly attacked the kingdom and its people. As the princess had no choice to feel with the other citizens, the king and prince stayed behind to ward off the monsters. Years soon begin to past as the kingdom soon became under the rule of an evil which plots to rule all with darkness. Will any hero save this land…? Our story then starts here!

Story written by T.Arthur, Age 32, 50 Years ago…

Paper Mario: Fairy Tales

Chapter 0: Prologue

*Peach’s Castle*

On one fine day in the Mushroom Kingdom, the Castle of Princes Peach could be seen in the centre of Toad Town surrounding it. Inside of the highest tower, Princess Peach was in her room already dressed in her usual pink dress just before her door opens as Toadsworth and two other Toads walk in.

Toadsworth: Ah! Good morning dear Princess!

Peach: Morning Toadsworth! My… is it just another fine day for this kingdom!

Toadsworth: It most certainly is! One for a day you’ll be happily spending with the kids at Storvile! Master Mario and Master Luigi will be here soon to accompany you to there. Have you chosen today’s story book for the children?

Peach: You know… It almost feels as I’ve read all my old story books to them. I think I might be out of new stories.

Toad #1: What about that book on the far right?

Toad #2: The dusty looking one!

As Peach notices what her Toad servants were pointing at, she walks over to her bookcase and pulls out a crimson colour book which was titled “Fairy Tales” and had a symbol that resembles a fairy with its wings opened out wide.

Peach: You know… I completely forgot about this book for a while now!

Toadsworth: Well anyways it will have to do for today Princess. Now come, the Mario Bros will be arriving shortly.

As Peach, Toadsworth and the Toads exit her bedroom, they soon make their way outside just as the timely arrival of Mario and Luigi soon occurred.

Luigi: We’re-a-here! And Peach has already walked outside waiting for us.

Peach walks over to her friends: Good morning Mario! Good morning Luigi! I see you’ve both remembered to help me today at Storvile Kindergarten.

Mario: Ah-ha!

Luigi: Is always our pleasure to help, Princess!

Toadsworth: Have a safe tip there and back today Princess. Master Mario, make sure she comes home safely.

Mario nods his head; agreeing with Toadsworth.

Peach: Let’s go then you two!

As Luigi decides to run on ahead, Mario and Peach follow him. Later the three soon come to Toad Town’s exit which leads out towards the forest just as Luigi stops and turns to his friends.

Luigi: So through these woods is Storvile, right?

Peach: That’s right! This path is the only connection to that place onwards! Before we head on Mario, do you need me to remind you of some helpful tips?

Mario nods again after asking Peach for some advice.

Peach: Very well then. As you might know the forest ahead of us might be full of attracting dangers so if anything harmful pops out at us just jump on them or attack them back. If they be the first to attack, dodge them or counter them if that happens. Got all that?

Mario: Okeydokey!!!

Peach: I knew you would! Let’s keep moving then you guys!

As the Mario Bros and Peach continue walking onwards, they soon enter the Mushroom Forest were it was all full of fresh green trees and many sorts of wildlife. On the first section of the forest pathway, Mario decides to kill off some time by walking up to some flouting ?-Boxes and jumps underneath them as he is earned a few coins from them before moving onwards. Before the group could walk on though, a Goomba pops out of nowhere and then moves towards Mario.

Peach: Mario, watch out for that Goomba! Use your jumping power and hammer attack to stop it.

With that said, Mario then fights the Goomba who first comes at the plumber with a head-butt attack, but dodges it as Mario then attacks it with a single jump attack by stomping on it. The Goomba then tries to attack again by tackling at Mario, but was hit by the plumber’s perfect timing Counter Attack as this defeated the Goomba.

Luigi: Awesome Bro, nobody messes with you!

Peach: Nice work Mario, but I assume there might be more on the way so stay alert!

The group then move onwards as they soon come to the second section of the forest as Mario then fights off two more Goombas by using his Jumping Attacks to beat them as well as gaining more coins he collects along the way. Just then, Luigi spots a Goomba wearing green helmet with a spike on top.

Luigi: Ye-ouch! The Goomba looks really armed there!

Peach: What out!

As The Goomba comes at Mario, it then tries to attack him with a Head-Butt with the spiked helmet as the plumber barely dodges it by one damage hit.

Peach: Mario, don’t try to jump on foes that are armed with spikes on top of them. Try just attacking them head on.

Mario then did what Peach suggested as he then attacks the Spiked Goomba with his hammer attack. As the Goomba tries to head-butt him again, Mario was perfectly able to counter its attack which did some damage to it; thus defeating it. The group then move on to the third section where Mario was able to fight off more Goombas and Spiked Goombas as well as collecting more coins from flouting blocks. Just before they could move on though, a Goomba with wings appears out of nowhere.

Peach: That Goomba is using wings to fly. Mario, I would suggest jumping onto it is the only way to beat it. Attacking it head on won’t do a thing. Before I forget, you can jump on enemies twice and not just once.

The battle starts as the Paragoomba first attacks by swooping into Mario, but misses after the plumber dodges its attack as he then attacks it back by doing a double jump attack; stomping it two times as it loses its wings and drops to the ground as it was knocked out completely.

Luigi: Wow Bro, it seems to appear that you really still have it when fighting these guys!

Peach: We should almost be there by now. Come on let’s keep moving.

As the group moves on to the forth section of the forest, Mario fights off more Goombas who were beaten easily by his jumps and hammer just before soon crossing a wooden bridge over a river as they were getting close to Storvile just before passing a wooden sign saying it was near.

???: Hold it right there!!!

Suddenly out of nowhere, a wizard-like Koopa dressed in blue robes, pointed hat while hovering on a broomstick came from above and hovers down slowly right in front of Mario and the others.

Kamek: I’ve seen you stomping on most of my Goombas I’ve summoned to scout the forest as you’ve been walking pass. Nobody messes with Lord Bowser’s men, so I’ll do the honours for them by turning you into a snack for us Koopas.

Peach: Oh dear it’s Kamek! Be on your guard Mario and take him on with what you can do.

Luigi: Fight and jump on him bro! I’ll make sure Peach is safe!

The battle starts as Mario first attacks Kamek with a double jump attack which knock Kamek off his broom and lands on the ground just before he attacks back with a magic ball attack from his wand which Mario was able to dodge barely. Mario then Hammers the Magikoopa just before he attacks him back with a magic ball attack.

Peach: Mario, I just notice something, during your battles you might notice that you lose a lot of HP if getting hit. Use this item when it’s your turn. (She takes out a Super Mushroom and throws it to Mario who grabs it.) Items like that Mushroom are able to restore your heath if you use it during a battle or not during one. Use it to restore much of yourself to good health.

Mario then decides to use the Super Mushroom as it then restores all his heath. As Kamek was about to attack with magic again, Mario was able to counter it which stopped it from damaging him.

Luigi: Hay bro, I got another idea to beat this guy faster! Use this! (He takes out a Fire Flower and throws it to Mario who grabs it.) Besides the Mushrooms being use to restore HP, use ones like the Fire Flower to attack enemies. Give Kamek some fire there!

Taking his brother’s words, Mario uses the Fire Flower as he is then transformed into Fire Mario as he then throws a Fire Ball made in the palm of his hand at Kamek who has taken lots of damage and is completely knocked out and defeated just as Mario then changes back into his normal form.

Kamek: Ouchie… My back…

Peach: Way to go Mario! Looks like we’re almost there to Storvile any moment now once we exit these woods!

Luigi: With Kamek knocked out, no more trouble on the road we’ll be running into. Let’s make our clear way.

Mario and his friends soon move onwards as they exit the last section of the forest, leaving the knocked out Kamek behind.


A moment later, Mario’s group had finally reached the village of Storvile which was full of house in many different colours and homes for many known species of citizens such as Toads, Goombas, Koopas and Shy Guys. The whole town also seemed to be kept safe by a wooden fence surrounding it as male Toad gatekeeper was keeping his duties guarding the way into town just as Mario’s group soon came to him.

Toad Gatekeeper: Oh hello there! Welcome to Storvile! Our village may not be much but at least you are welcome to look around or stay for days.

Peach: I’m here to read the good children of this village a story at the kindergarten on Miss T.Cher’s behalf.

Toad Gatekeeper: Oh Princess Peach, where are my manners? And the famous Mario Bros! Oh boy my son will be happy to see you guys. Please make your way to the kindergarten just up the north section of town.

The gatekeeper then opens the gate for Peach and the Mario Bros as they enter the village of Storvile. After they walk down from the east section, they came to the centre where a fountain was displayed over a body of water that had 5 lily pads surrounding with one frog on one who seems laid back and board.

Frog Pirate: Sigh… I sure is a nice spot, but I do I feel so empty inside after moving here? Is something missing that I can’t think of?

As Mario and the others continue walking up north of the town, they soon reach what appears to be a round shaped building with the walls coloured in yellow with colourful chalk drawings possibly made by children written on while the roof was red brick colour. Next to the building joining it was a playground surrounded by a wooden fence.

Peach: Well this is the place. I’m sure the children will love what I’ll be reading them today. Let’s make our way inside and say hello to everyone.

Mario’s group soon comes to the front door of the kindergarten and find themselves in the main reception where a light-blue spotted mushroom female Toad receptionist with glasses was working on a desk.

Receptionist: Well good morning, how may I help? Oh my! Princess Peach! My deepest apologies! Miss T.cher and the children are waiting in class for you with story time. Second on the right is where you need to go.

Peach: Thank you very much!

Following what the Receptionist had told them, Mario, Luigi and Peach soon enter the right door and enter what appears to be the classroom which was filled with a playing area on the bottom left corner of the room with some beanbags, toys in a box while on the top right corner was an arts and craft set up on a table where children’s style of painting and drawings where placed on paper stacking to the wall. In the centre of the room on a round carpet, a female Toad with a purple spotted mushroom, yellow hair with a yellow plait at the back, a red done-up jacket a black small skirt and brown, padded shoes like every other Toad would wear was waiting while keeping watch on 6 children who were a younger looking Toad, Toadette, Koopa, Goomba, Shy Guy, Yoshi, who all sat around a wait just as they notice Peach and the Mario Bros’ presence.

Miss T.cher: Ah! Look who’s here today children! Princess, it is really wonderful to see you again.

Peach: Good morning Miss T.cher, I hope you don’t mind having Mario and Luigi here with me, do you?

Miss T.cher: Not at all Princess! I’m sure I could have extra help anyway.

Child Toad: Mario!?

Child Toadette: …and Luigi!?

Child Koopa: Mr Mario!!! He’s cool!

Child Goomba: …

Child Shy Guy: Who are they?

Child Yoshi: My hero!!!

Miss T.cher: Okay children settle down, now that its story time, Princess Peach here is going to read you all a story you might like to hear.

Peach: I bought with me a book I think no one has read yet. It might be interesting for us all to find out what it’s about.

Miss T.cher: Please take your seat, your highness

Peach turns to Mario: Mario, how about you and Luigi sit with the kids to keep them company while I read to them?

Mario then gave his answer a yes as he and Luigi sit down next to the children just as Peach takes her seat on a red chair, taking out the book she has bought along and opens up the first page.

Peach: Wow! This book has more than one story written inside. Think I’ll start with the first one. Let’s see… Hmm? Huh!?

Luigi: What’s the matter Princess?

Peach: The book! The pages are all blank for some reason.

Suddenly without warning, the pages from the book begun to glow just as a pillar of purple light bursts out; freaking out everyone in the room just as something then emerges from the light. It was a figure covered in black robes and seemed to resemble some kind of bird with a white mask having a beak while the sleeves looked like wings.

???: Well I’ll be a wizard’s beard, looks like somebody has decided to read the book. Must of made a wrong turn and ended up in the real world. Hmm? What do we have here? Children, two guys with hairs over their mouths and… What the!? This presence I’m feeling from this girl! She has a strong pure magic.

Peach: Who… Who are you?

Draz: Where are my manners? I am Draz and you my dear possess such a great source of power my lord would wish to have! Come with me back to my world!

Peach: And why should I?

Draz: Because if you don’t… (Draz then creates a purple ball of energy in his hands which both shown to be made of bones and launches it at the children which just miss them by an inch as they were all frightened in fear.

Miss T.cher: Children!!!

Luigi: Hay! What are trying to do here?

Draz: If she does not come with me, then fate will be upon those little youngsters.

Mario then jumps in front of the children and turns to Draz with a look of determination.

Luigi: Are you sure Mario? Okay then. Princess, T.cher, Kids, let’s keep clear and let bro here handle this guy!

T.cher: Okay, follow me children!

As Peach, Luigi and the rest of the class leave, Mario was left to deal with the mysterious being known as Draz who was about to attack.

Draz: I don’t know what your deal is Hairy Mouth, but that girl with the blond hair is mine to give to my master, so don’t get in my way.

The battle starts as Mario first attacks Draz by jumping on him two times. Draz then attacks next as he manages to hit Mario with the beak on his mask. Mario then does his jumping on Draz again just before the he attacks the heroic plumber again with his beak, but misses that time. Seeing how low he was to the surface, Mario attacks with his hammer which did some good damage.

Draz: You are quite as skilled as any warrior or knight as I would of notice. Let’s see if you can avoid this trick?

Draz then lifts up his bird mask, reviling that under the hood was nothing but darkness. Confused at first, Mario was too late to realize what Draz was up to as the dark wizard then blows out a purple smoke which captures Mario in it and weakens him as he falls to his knees.

Peach: Oh no! Mario!!!

Draz: Hahahaha!!! My Poison Cloud will keep him dazed for a while, but by the time he gets up, he will notice you will be gone. So, are you willing to come back with me?

Peach: No! I will not!

???: If Draz can’t convince you, I will do the honours myself by force!

Just then, another being emerges from the story book pages who took on the form of a human woman with tan skin, black hair, was wearing a black masked that resembles a bird with a pointed beak, a black bikini top and skirt with an armoured vest over her body, black long fingerless gloves and tall black boots with gold parts half way up which had a big ruby stone in each while she also haled a staff with a crystal ball on top which showed the image of a skull inside.

Draz: My dear master, I’m surprised you too have made the discovery I have found!

???: Yes! This young girl here before us possesses a pure magic; so powerful inside it could be of good use. My dear child, come with me back to our world so we can proceed with our plan of becoming the worlds’ new creator.

Peach: I already told your wizard friend here the answer is NO!!! Not after he tried harming the children of this school and hurting Mario here.

???: Not only I can tell you are kind hearted, but more of a stubborn one too! Very well then, I will have to take you back with us by force.

The mysterious women then uses her magic staff to summon a spell which captures Peach and lifts her up.

Peach: No stop!!! Put me down!!!

Luigi: Hay! Leave the princess alone!

As Luigi steps into scene and tries to attack the black women, Draz uses his magic ball spell to knock Luigi away as he fell to the floor all weakened up.

Draz: Let’s be out of here my master!

???: Yes! Let us be on our way back to our own world along with this dear sweetheart!

???: Not if I interfere!!!

Suddenly, a third being from the book emerges from the light pillar who was in fact a young women dressed in a green dress, blue slippers, a dark green witch hat and had blond hair tied up in a cotton ball on the back of her head while she was riding on a white and purple feather. She then rises up her hand as a white ball of magic was formed and then throws it towards Princess Peach which made directed contact as she shakes and then suddenly shatters like glass as eight different coloured jewel-like orbs had appeared out of nowhere and are sucked into the light where the story book was lying.

???: You again! What have you done?

???: I notice too when the story book had been opened up and saw you and Draz making you way into the real world. The pure girl you were about to kidnap has had her entire vessel shattered into pieces. Now they have spread into the worlds in the book where you may never find them.

Draz: You little brat! How will my master now become all mighty and powerful now that you broke the girl’s body?

???: Let us be going back now, Draz! We cannot waste more time being here. We must inform our forces of this matter!

Draz: Yes Master Amazilia! Let’s get out of here and back!

The mysterious women named Amazilia and her minion Draz then move back into the light pillar which got them to return from within the pages of the story book which soon closes up by itself.

Miss T.cher: Is it safe to come out now? (Enters the scene and notices the injured bodies of Mario and Luigi.)

???: Are you alright miss? I heard children were nearby! Are they safe at all?

Miss T.cher: Yes! They’re outside in the playground waiting to come back in if it’s clear and safe to. Where did that monster go? And where is her royal highness?

???: I’ll explain everything clearly, but first we need this one to wake up.

The young witch then descends to the floor, jumps of her feather as it disappears in a puff of smoke and walks over to Mario as she kneels down and then performs a spell showing hearts as it covers Mario and quickly heals the plumber as he gets up slowly just as Luigi also gain conscious and wakes up.

Luigi: Sigh… what just happened?

Mario looks around noticing the witch, but no sign of Princess Peach in his sight.

Luigi: Hay, where’s the Princess?

???: Please do not be alarmed! I manage to save her from being captured just then.

As Mario turns his attention back to the young witch, he then asks her who she is and what has been going on all of a sudden.

Calandrella: Let me introduce myself! I am Calandrella, a witch from the World of Fairy Tales; a good witch if I may be honest.

Luigi: World of Fairy Tales?

Calandrella: Yes! You know like Snowdrop and the Seven Toads, The Fountain of Time and The One-Inch Boy?

Mario then says that he has not read those much to Calandrella’s shock.

Calandrella: WHAT!? You must be joking my hat here! They’re the best stories of all Fairy Tales; well not the best-best, but that’s beside the point! (Calandrella then turns around and walks over to where the book was and picks it up just before heading back to Mario as she gives it to him to look at just as Luigi and Miss T.cher came over to look as well.

Miss T.cher: Hay, the pages are all blank just like what the Princess said when she was about to do story time for the children!

Luigi: But why would this book have nothing written in it?

Calandrella: Our worlds… the Fairy Tale Worlds… are vanishing!

Mario then asks how they are vanishing.

Calandrella: This is the work of a very powerful sorceress, the one who tried to kidnap your friend. Her name is Amazilia!

Luigi: Amazilia? The women with that psycho wizard guy?

Calandrella: If you mean Draz then yes. She and him have been using dark magic, to become even more powerful. She quickly learned of all the other worlds and have begun causing chaos and destruction on them all as well as carving up the pages of the book to create spirits and monsters, as well as absorbing the power of the book itself.

Miss T.cher: The power of the book?

Calandrella: If our worlds case to exist, not only will all of their stories be silence forever, but Amazilia will then try to destroy your world if she is not stopped.

Mario realizes that it sure sounded like trouble before he then asks Calandrella what they should do.

Calandrella: When I saw you outside of the book battling Draz I was amazed! Nobody has ever lasted that long trying to fight him. Seeing how strong you are, I wish for your help to stop Amazilia. I can feel that you serve a great destiny in doing so.

Luigi: You can count on my big Bro here! He’s fought a lot of bad guys and all. Still, this you’re asking him for is all out of a story book, right? How is he supposed to do that?

Calandrella: That easy! I myself come from within the book. With my magic, I should be able to help you step forth into the World of Fairy Tales. I can tell you how, but first you must find your friend who you call a Princess. Her entire body has been spitted into Fragments which have been spread into the worlds within the book, but her spirit is still here somewhere nearby. I would suggest finding her first before I help you with your journey. I’ll be waiting.

Luigi: You go find Peach big Bro, I’ll stay with Miss T.cher and gather the kids back in to keep watch.

Mario was then about to leave until…

Miss T.cher: Oh Mario, (Mario turns around to look at Miss T.cher.) Before I forget, there is an item shop in town. I would go there first and stock up on what you might need.

Mario then leaves the classroom, coming into the hallway before he the exits outside the kindergarten and walks his way back into the streets of Storvill. While walking down, he then notices the item shop which T.cher told him about which had a hanging wooden sign above the door in the shape of a Mushroom as he then enter the building. Inside on a long shopping desk were a few useful items such as Mushrooms, Honey Jars, Fire Flowers, Sleepy Sheeps, Tasty Tonics and Fright Masks. Owning the shop was two male Toads with yellow mushrooms with white spots on and were both wearing the same outfit which were yellow shirts with red sleeveless jackets over them, brown pants and brown shows. Both of them also carried a clipboard under their arms while one of them also had a black thin moustache as they both walk over to where Mario was after he entered.

T.ployer: Welcome to Storvill’s shop! Here me and my brother T.ployee will help you with anything you like to buy. Pick what you need and spend.

Mario then walks over to talk with the other Toad named T.ployee.

T.ployee: So is it your first time here? Well buy what you want. I do so well for my job and I even do it proudly for my kids.

Mario then begins to make his by as he takes few of the items he could spend on with were three Mushrooms, two Fire Flowers, two Honey Jars and one Tasty Tonic. Just before Mario could leave after shopping, T.ployer stops him for a second.

T.ployer: Wait a second sir! I notice how much stuff you just bought. I can tell you needing a lot for wherever it is you are going. If you find other shops on your way, then take this with you! (He gives Mario a blue clipboard with a piece of paper on which looked like a contract.) See, I like to make deals with other shops. If you ever come by one on your way, show them the contract and if they agree to do it, then we can do something special for you and any other customer. For now this store is the only one that does it. If you by up to ten items from shops, you will be given an item for free. It would seem you can only carry up to ten items right now, but we can always store some for you if your bag gets too full. Hope to see you again soon.

Mario then leaves the shop as he continues on to look around town for Peach. As he soon comes to the centre of town, something was going on only he could not expect.

???: Hello? Anyone?

To Mario’s surprise, it was Princess Peach, but looked faded and was suddenly flouting in mid-air trying to speak with anyone around, but had not gotten her attention.

Peach: Why is no one noticing me? What is going on here? It’s almost if I… I…

Before Peach could say anymore, Mario quickly rushes his way over to where she was as Peach had caught sight of his presence.

Peach: Huh! Mario!!! You’re alright. (Mario then confirmed her words and showed that he can still see her.) You can see and hear me still?

Mario: Oh yeah!

Peach: So what’s going on then, Mario? Why can’t anybody around here except you see me? (Mario then tells her short of the reason why and will know in a bit.) My body was broken into pieces and this witch named Calandrella will explain why? Let’s head back to the kindergarten then. I’m sure Miss T.cher and the children are worried right now of where I am.

As Peach follows Mario, they make their way up town and made it back to the kindergarten just as they enter the hall and into the classroom where the others were waiting for them.

Luigi: Hay Bro, you’re back already, but where is Princess Peach?

Calandrella: She’s already back here with us safe and sound.

Luigi: Huh?

Calandrella: Here let me show you. (Calandrella then uses another spell which spreads across the entire room as Peach then finally became noticeable to Luigi, Miss T.cher and the children.)

Luigi: P-PEACH!? You’re here!?

Children: WHA!!! A GHOST!!!

Miss T.cher: Now, now charm down children! Let’s not panic here.

Calandrella: It is alright all of you. That you are all seeing is her spirit. To make it simple, yes her ghost! (She then turns to Mario and Peach.) Now then, Peach was it? I have already informed Mario here of what happened earlier with your encounter with the one who tried to capture you. Listen well and good.

A moment later, Calandrella had told Peach all of the details about her broken body, the sorceress Amazilia and the Fairy Tale Worlds within the magic story book.

Peach: I see! So you’ve broken my body into pieces to prevent this Amazilia from kidnaping me as part of her plans to destroy the worlds with inside this book.

Calandrella: I’m sorry! I wish there was another way I could of saved you without shattering you, I just panicked and didn’t think clear.

Peach: You don’t have to apologies. I’m just glad I was not taken like I always do by someone who you would never like to meet. So anyhow, how are we going to find the rest of my body?

Calandrella: From what I remembered, I saw that my spell may of spitted your body into 7 or 8 pieces and went into the book in which they may of ended up already on some of the worlds inside. I can help you get to the Border of Pages. There you will have to find your way through the first maze to unlock the door to the first world.

Mario then asks what she meant by unlock.

Calandrella: Because Amazilia had already begun carving up the pages, she has erased the images of the worlds which keep the doorways to them open. In order to restore them, you’ll need this! (She then holds out her hands as a white and purple feather suddenly appears before everyone.

Child Toad, Goomba and Shy Guy: COOL!!!

Child Toadette, Koopa and Yoshi: WOW!!!

Calandrella: This here is the Magic Quill! Use it to restore the first image of a world deep in the maze you will find in the Border of Pages and the door to that world will appear. Peach, you too will need to help Mario on his quest if you’re going to get the pieces of your body back.

Peach: M-me!?

Calandrella: Yes! In the Border of Pages you both will encounter creatures in the maze that keep them guarded. Your spirit will come in use if Mario manages to weaken it. Use your spirit to help guide him.

Luigi: Whoa! Whoa there Miss Calandrella! I would think it be best if the Princess stayed here safe and sound.

Miss T.cher: I agree! It is way too dangerous for her highness to go to where whatever kind of monsters you speak of is inside that book.

Peach: Don’t worry you two, I’ll be alright. Besides Mario looking after me, I’ll be looking after him from here on out; right Mario?

Mario nods his head in agreement.

*Partner Learning Starts*

Note: Peach has joined your party! For now not only being a ghost, Peach can’t do much, but can help Mario with info that might help him solve things and find out more on people and areas on the way. When near a person, press the Y Button for Peach to tell you what she knows.

Luigi walks up to Mario very close for Peach to give him info.

Peach: That’s Luigi! Who would forget you both are brothers, Mario? Even though he’s scared, he’s still brave even to my eyes.

Note: In battle, Peach can attack enemies with her slap and can also find info on them that will explain their health and weakness.

*Partner Learning Ends*

Peach: Well then Mario, let’s get started on helping Calandrella save her worlds and getting my body back.

Calandrella: thank you both! I’ll come with to lead you both to the first maze inside the Border of Pages. Mr. Luigi, may I leave you and Miss T.cher here to guard the book.

Luigi: Sure thing ma’am! You leave everything here to me Luigi; number 1!

Miss T.cher: Be careful Princess… and you too Mario!

Peach: Okay then, let’s go! Take us to this World of Fairy Tales!

Calandrella: Okay, let’s head on into the book!

As Calandrella moves over to the book and waits, Mario and Peach move over to where she was and were ready to enter.

Calandrella: Here we go! Into the World of Fairy Tales!!!

The pillar of light from the book reappears again as Calandrella jumps into it and is sucked in as Mario and Peach follow her into it next.

Mario: HERE WE GO!!!

Luigi: Now there’s something you don’t see every day!

*Border of Pages*

A moment later, Mario and Peach soon arrive with Calandrella to a place really strange as it was known as the Border of Pages. All seemed like an on-going forever lit-up void with many big and small letters and numbers flouting pass in the background. What the group was standing looked like platform resembling a page of words from a book, but was very solid like rock.

Peach: Whoa!!! What is this place? It all looks… strange!

Calandrella: This is half-way point between your world and the ones inside the book; The Border of Pages. Follow me and I’ll show you something important you need to learn.

Calandrella then summons her feather-like broomstick and flies onward ahead slowly as Mario and Peach follow her down the pathway. In a few seconds, they soon reach a circular alter with 8 brown Warp Pipes coloured in brownish yellow with multiple writing over them. Calandrella then descends from her feather and puts it away before turning to Mario and Peach.

Calandrella: Okay, here we are! This is the way you can get to 8 worlds inside the Book of Fairy Tales by using doors here. However, as you can see there are no doors anymore because Amazilia and her monsters have erased what has kept them to appear. The only way to restore the doors is to restore the image of it. The images are hidden in mazes down in these pipes as you can see.

Peach: So all we have to do is find our way through the maze and restore the image of the worlds one by one. That way we might find the fragments of my body as well as reaching to where Amazilia, right?

Calandrella: You learn pretty well, Princess Peach!

Peach: I’ve always been taught to listen well to others.

Calandrella: I shall lead you into the first maze. Be warned as I told you though. Down below are guardians who guard the mazes and are very strong, but like any foe, also has a weakness I will explain when we get down there. So then, are you all ready?

Mario: Oh yeah!!! (Nods head.)

Calandrella: Alright, follow me!

Peach: C’mon, Mario!!!

Mario and Peach then follow Calandrella into the first Warp Pipe on the alter which was to the far left as they all jump on top of it and are then warped into it.

End of Part 1
Here it is everyone, my first page of the beginning of Paper Mario Fairy Tales. As you all may of notice, I added a lot of gameplay elements into this story which are like the ones you would see in the games. Many of the new characters are by me with inspiration of fantasy and myth. For more see part 2 next.
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Aquamimi123's avatar
Wow I really loved the first part my favorite parts are when the group visit the village of Storvile and when the went to the World of Fairy Tales. :)